Monday, August 17, 2009

Y.E. Yang tames the Tiger!

The biggest story over the weekend has to be that YE Yang beat Tiger Woods head to head in the PGA Championship. Tiger went into the final round with a 2 shot lead and choked it away. In my last post I bostly said that I think Tiger Woods is back and this could hurt my argument a little. You can look at this a couple of ways...1)Tiger Woods isn't what he use to be, still great and better than most, but may have slipped just a little or 2)It was bound to happen sooner or later. He is human and can't win every single time.

I am taking number 2 just so that I can stick to my original thought that Tiger still has the inevitable "it." Give credit to Y.E. because even with Woods having a terrible round (75) he stayed focused and never lost his composure. Time and time again we have seen Tiger's partner crumble under the pressure of keeping the lead or just playing with the master himself.

Biggest sports upset of the decade? My opinion is no...but it has a valid argument.

1 comment:

  1. Mike was so mad that tiger lost. He wouldn't watch any sports after that the rest of the day cause he didn't want to hear about it. IT was a little funny.
