Monday, July 27, 2009

BYU Recruits

My much hated rival in BYU has made a big splash this year in the recruits that it will be bringing in next year and as a Utes fan I am on the fence a little bit between being scared and not letting myself get caught up in all of the hype. The biggest name is Jake Heaps (QB) and one of the best highschool players of his class. This signing was huge for the BYU program and has potential to really put them on the map in a few short years. Since he has verbally commited he has been out recruiting guys on his own and putting together a strong class for the next couple of years. The media is eating it up and can't wait to interview this kid. There is a lot of buzz around Utah valley right now, they are all excited about the future and I am just trying to stay positive and hope that the Utes can match the intensity down the line. Overall I think that it is good for the conference and good to break the BCS system, but I am worried that Utah will be left in the dust if they don't start working on some strong recruits. One thing that BYU has going for them is the LDS aspect that helps out in a lot of young talent's decisions and the Utes just can't compete with that.

The thing about this kid and all of his recruits is that we may not see the final product for another 3 years or so based on LDS missions and timing, but it does have the potential to really make a statement. Ihave heard a couple of interviews with Jake Heaps now and I really try to give the kid a chance, but something just doesn't sit well with me....I think it is because I just hate BYU so bad, but just his responses to some questions I feel are completely fabricated. He talks alot about being the leader and the guy and all I can say is he better be able to back it up because he is building himself some pretty big shoes to fill and trust me when I say that I would love to see it crumble down in misery.

Overall - Good for the Y stepping up with the strong recruit year, the Utes better have some tricks of their own. Until they prove otherwise I will support and assume they know what they are doing! Go Utes

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